Limited Time Bonus Offer: Grab a copy of "How I Got 1 in Every 102 English Speaking Internet Users The World To Visit My Web Sites" BEFORE midnight,
and you'll receive four extra bonuses.

Dear Friend,
Imagine having 1 out of every 102 (English speaking) Internet users in the world visiting YOUR web sites. (That's 2,826,874 million unique visitors in total.)
That's exactly what I've done. And what I'm going to do right now is PROVE it to you with actual screen captures from Web Trends Live, which is one of the leading statistic tracking programs on the net.
But not only will I prove it to you, I'm also going to show and tell you exactly, specifically how I got 1 out of every 102 English speaking 'Net users in the world to visit my web sites.
In case you don't know me, my name is Marlon Sanders.
You've probably heard of my products, "The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy!", the "Push Button Letters Software", the "Marlon Sanders' Marketing Dashboard", "Gimme My Money Now", the "Action Grid System", the "Direct Mail Success System" and more recently, the "Milcers Private Membership Site". Not to mention a bunch of other products and software programs that I won't bore you with.
By the way, in case you need to contact me you'll want to know that I don't hide behind an email address. My office number is 888-204-6141. During business hours that is answered by Matt or myself. We are real people and we are here to help.
But I realize that you don't care about me. What you care about is YOUR web site and YOUR traffic, so in a second I'm going to talk about that.
But first I want to present you with a couple pieces of proof and evidence of the traffic I'm talking about.
Item #1: Proof I Had "1 in 102" English Speaking 'Net Users
Here's a screen capture that shows you 2,826,874 million unique visitors tracked to my account since I started using Web Trends Live, which translates into "1 in every 102" visitors who speak English with 'net access having visited my web sites.
What I want to make sure you understand right now is that the figure above shows actual UNIQUE VISITORS. I'm not talking about 2.8 million "hits" or "page views", although I've tracked those stats as well and we'll talk about those traffic measurements.
Here's how I came up with the "1 in 102" calculation:
Fact: There are 287.5 million English speaking Internet users in the World.
Fact: I've had 2,826,874 million unique visitors to my web sites.
So you take: 287.5 million and divide that by 2,826,874 = 102
So what that means is 1 in every 102 English Speaking Internet Users in the World have visited my web sites.
For clarification on what we mean by "English Speaking Internet Users Worldwide", please refer to the following:
Here is a graph that shows you the 287.5 Million "English Speaking Internet Users" we are referring to:

The "287.5 Million English Speaking Internet Users" figure is not meant to represent the number of people who speak the language in question.
The figure of 287.5 million corresponds to the number of people going online to access the Internet in the English language.
For the purpose of this report we classify the online users by "language used when accessing the Internet", not by region or country.
For a more thorough explanation, click here.
Item #2: Web Trends Live Documentation
Here's another screen capture that shows the same statistics as the one above, only this time it's a larger screen shot with the date/time stamped on the top and BOTTOM of the file and from that you can clearly see it's taken directly from Web Trends Live on September 14th, 2005 at 10:32 AM.

If you're overly skeptical and don't think that's proof enough and you need to see an even larger, clearer image then click here.
Item #3: BetterWhois Domain Registration
Here's an image from that show you how long has been online:
Overly skeptical? Go to and type this URL into the form field to pull up this exact same image.
Enter this URL:
Item #4: Alexa Ranking Proof for
As you can see we went from approximately 5000 to 20,000 on Alexa (and recently lower), but there's an explanation for the drop and in a moment I'll tell you how you can learn more about that.

The reason I'm providing you with these screen captures and ways to double check everything yourself is because I know what half the people think when they see "proof" and "evidence" online, that it's somehow been "faked".
So what I want you to do is take the time to double check everything I just showed you, to prove to yourself that they are all 100% legitimate.
Once you're done that, if you're still skeptical about what I'm saying then you can ask about me in darn near any online marketing forum.
Everyone knows who I am and they know about my products. So take the time to do that if you're still not 100% convinced when I say 1 out of every 102 English speaking 'net users in the world have visited my web sites.
(I apologize if quoting the 1 out of 102 English speaking Internet users sounds like I'm bragging, but people are so skeptical, if you don't back up what you say, they simply don't believe you.)
Now let's talk about you.
You have a web site, you want more traffic and you want step-by-step instructions on how to get it.
A problem I have with a lot of products on "how to get traffic" that are out there right now is that they brag about what they did to get the traffic, but they never really prove it. Or they never specifically show you how they got the traffic they're talking about.
Now it's their right and their choice to not want to reveal it. Or perhaps they feel it isn't relevant to what they're teaching. I have no problem with that. All I'm saying is, I have the traffic and will prove I got it. Then I'll show you exactly how I did it.
Not only that, but I'll also take you behind the scenes and show you all the mistakes I've made along the way, then I'll give you all the nitty gritty details on what I did, the steps I took to increase my traffic, changes I made along the way and that kind of stuff, because if I was in your shoes that's what I'd want to know!
If I was standing in your shoes I wouldn't want to hear about how you sold this or that and made millions of dollars. Or how you did a promotion that "was extremely successful". I'd want to SEE the actual promotion you're talking about so I'd be able to do something similar. And I'd want ALL the details on what you did and how you did it, not just a bunch of general Internet marketing information.
Finally, I wouldn't want to hear the same old stuff that everyone else was talking about, so I'd want you to show and tell me something I didn't know, then prove to me that's what you did.
I wouldn't want you to give me general platitudes, or general traffic building tips. I wouldn't want you to give me PPC or search engine positioning tips that I'll never be able to implement myself.
I'd want you to show me, then prove to me what you did.
That's what I'd personally want so that's what I'm going to personally give to you.
So here's what we did:
We spent an exhaustive 10 days digging through all of our old records dating back to 1998 and from that we extracted all the information, statistics, web pages, histories, screen captures, promotions, autoresponder broadcasts and other important documents, then from those we dug out proof, evidence, changes and mistakes... the whole ball of wax.
We documented everything we could remember that's relevant not just to what we did, but to what YOU can do, including emails we sent, promotions we created, affiliate program changes we made and so forth.
It took us 10 days of full time work to do this. (That's over 90 hours of time spent assembling this data to make it as easy as possible for you to read, understand, digest and apply to YOUR business!)
Once we'd assembled this massive pile of documents we sorted them chronologically then without fluff and without a bunch of irrelevant stuff, we extracted the most meaty information we could get and from that we created the meatiest, most useful 54 pages we could come up with.
So I've got 54 pages of meaty screen captures, web statistics, marketing decisions, and promotions, including information on the mistakes we made along the way and the steps we took from day #1, which by the way was back in 1998.
And I'm willing to show it ALL to you. I'm willing not just to tell you what I did but to SHOW you how I did it and prove it to you.
Now, here are just some of the things you'll discover in this 54 page in-depth step-by-step report:
- How to see through the smoke screens of hits, page views and unique visitors.
- How to understand what’s going on when people quote traffic stats, sometimes deceptively.
- As amazing as it sounds, 1 out of every 102 English speaking Internet users in the world have been to my web sites. I’ll show and tell you how I made that happen. (That's over 2.8 million unique visitors in total!)
- Why the traffic numbers I’m quoting are actually low and the one thing you must do to have accurate traffic and stats reporting over time, otherwise, in retrospect, you’re basically screwed.
- The traffic tracking program we use and why we use it.
- Why all stats programs are definitely not created equal.
- The total number of actual Internet users in the world and why it’s less than you probably think.
- The big picture of Internet marketing, including Internet users by country, language and number of domains registered daily.
- Our top 5 ways for aggresively finding new affiliates for your program and getting people to endorse your offer.
- An honest accounting of several mistakes we’ve made along the way. (How you can avoid these problems like the plague!)
- The astonishing result that happened when we switched affiliate software programs. It was definitely not what we expected!
- Go behind the scenes with us as we reveal everything through a series of charts and graphs that track our traffic trends over time, then PROVE we got 1 in 102 English speaking Internet users in the WORLD to visit our web sites.
- Never before in print: The simple trick we used to funnel traffic from multiple sites into one domain to boost an Alexa ranking.
- The hidden truth behind our affiliate contests. What we do and why...
- When we conduct an affiliate contest, how many actually participate?
- How to level the affiliate program contest "playing field" so EVERYONE has an equal chance of winning your contest prizes.
- What motivate affiliates the most? Is it cash, or prizes? 1 tier or 2 tier payouts? Find out.
- The various ways we’ve obtained traffic other than through our affiliate program and how YOU can do the same.
- Impressed by massive traffic numbers? There are certain things you should know about how that traffic is obtained.
- What are you willing to do to get traffic? Before you get too impressed with people who quote huge traffic numbers like 1 million "visits" a month you need to keep in mind that not all traffic sources are “equal”.
- The 2 basic categories of traffic: Quality traffic versus junk traffic. How to know what’s what.
- How and why we did all of this without sending mass unsolicited emails or low-end business opportunities.
- How to quickly and easily generate a million "hits" to your web site. (Of course that and 3 or 4 bucks will get you a latte at Starbucks, but your friends will be impressed and it does sound good in your advertising.)
- How to double your “hits” in 5 minutes. (Before you get too excited make sure you read page #1 first...)
- What most people don’t understand about the difference between a hit, page view, visit, visitor, and unique visits.
- Why unique visits actually aren’t even unique.
- Why you often can’t compare the traffic results from one stats program to another.
- Why most marketers with products on search engine positioning get their traffic from sources OTHER than the search engines!
- Our 10 step system for boosting your web site traffic.
- The real anniversary of the Amazing Formula and when I sold my first ebook on the Internet.
- The hidden truth about the launch of the Amazing Formula.
- Why conversion rates don’t mean anything.
- How we sold a $500 digital download product -- even though other marketers said it couldn't be done.
- How we can visually see, real time, who’s sending us traffic, how much traffic they’re sending and the true QUALITY of the traffic -- LIVE -- as the traffic comes through our sites.
- How to discover the quality of YOUR web traffic. Is it junk traffic or are they quality unique visitors?
- The real reason we went from digital to physically delivered products. (Most people don’t understand or know about this)
- The time bomb hidden in most merchant accounts -- just waiting to explode. (This'll cause you enormous grief if you don't know about it or take steps to prevent it from happening to you.)
- Hits, page views and unique visitors... Who’s counting what -- and why!
- The brewing tempest over affiliate program cookies and the auto refreshing cookie system we’ve created for our affiliates. I’ll tell you what it is and how it works and what you can do to greatly avoid cookie problems.
- How to do a reality check on someone’s traffic if their quoted “visitors” seems too good to be true.
- Why 50 or 100 million web site visitors won’t do much good if you’re selling a targeted product.
By the way, every single bullet you just read is IN the product and to prove that, we've put a little summary at the end of the product that lists every single bullet, followed by the number of the page that bullet is referenced on.
That means this is not one of those products where you read a bunch of bullets, then read the product and go "you've GOT to be kidding me!"
That always annoys me when people do that, where you read all these great bullets on the sales letter then read the product and think, "I wish the person that wrote the bullets would have written the product.
Now you're probably wondering about now just how much I'm going to ding you on the price of this product.
Well, it's worth a couple hundred bucks because I don't know of anyone else who shows you what they did and how they did it.
Not like this with the screen captures, proof and the specific steps that I've taken to get the traffic. I've seen people tell part or some of the story, but not all of it.
That's not to put the other people down or say they're doing anything wrong. That's crap. I'm just saying this is what I'm doing.
So anyway, you're wondering how much this thing costs. The price is $39.95 for the 54 page document. (That's about .75 cents a page.)
About this time I'm sure you're asking yourself "is it worth the $39 he's asking for this to get him to reveal how he got 1 out of every 102 English speaking Internet users in the world to visit his web sites?"
The answer is, I'm not sure...
It depends on whether YOU think it's worth $39 to know exactly how and what I did to get 1 out of every 102 English speaking people in the WORLD with Internet access to come to my web sites! (That's 2,826,874 million people.)
Before you make a decision, think about this:
Imagine walking out on the street and seeing a 102 people hurrying about their daily business, going to or from work, running errands or heading home after a busy day.
If the people you see have accessed the 'net in English then it's virtually guaranteed 1 person in the group will have been to my web sites. And you can apply this anywhere in the whole world!
Now imagine looking at the same group, knowing 1 out of every 102 people on the street have visited YOUR web site. It's an amazing feeling and I'm going to show you what I did to make this happen.
Once you have the basic understanding of how I did this, you'll be able to turn around and use the information I've given you and apply it to your own business so you can POTENTIALLY generate your own "1 in 102" visitors.
(Obviously I'm not guaranteeing what I'm going to show you will result in your having 1 in 102 English speaking Internet users in the World visiting your page. But what I will do is show you exactly what I've done and you can adapt the steps I've taken to your own marketing. Of course your results WILL vary.)
Now understand, as of July 2005 there were 287.5 million Internet users in the World who accessed the 'net using the English language. From that group, 2,826,874 million of them have been to my web sites, which equals 1 out of every 102.
Of course more people than that have been to our sites. The problem is that we didn't start tracking our unique visitors until the 2nd quarter of the year 2000. So the 2.8+ million figure is much higher.
To sum everything up, here's the deal:
For a one time payment of only $39 bucks I'll walk you through and show you everything I've done.
Before Making Up Your Mind On
Whether Or Not To Grab My Report,
I Want to Make SURE You Realize This...
1) There is absolutely NO fluff in this report.
2) There's NOT a lot of hyperbole.
3) I'm NOT preaching about the values of doing this or that and I'm not giving you a bunch of theory.
4) I'm NOT just blowing smoke.
What you're going to get are 54 jam-packed pages filled with statistics, facts, screen captures, proof and specific information on my 10 step system you can follow and adapt to your own business.
As far as I'm concerned, getting a look at this document is worth at least a couple hundred bucks and the least I should sell it for is $100.
But I really want to make it affordable for practically everyone to see this, because I want everyone to know that what we teach and preach is real and that it works.
I've been selling "The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy!" for over 5 years and this is my proof that it works because I personally do what I teach and what I've done is I've used the steps in the Amazing Formula to get the 2.8+ million visitors to my web sites.
Now before I go any further I want to make sure you realize this isn't just about what I've done.
I've included 10 practical steps you can use to boost your own web site traffic because I realize in the end what I do doesn't matter to you. The only thing that matters is what YOU can do.
Grab a Copy Of "How I Got 1 in Every 102 English Speaking 'Net Users In the World To Visit My Web Sites"
And You'll Also Receive Five Bonuses (Valued at $250+ USD)
I realize right about now you're expecting some kind of bonus or freebie to give you a reason to act today.
(If you're not then you've REALLY GOT to get this product because that tells me you've really not read enough Internet marketing stuff and don't know the game!)
Grab a copy of "How I Got 1 in Every 102 English Speaking 'Net Users In the World To Visit My Web Sites" before the deadline I have in red print below and you'll receive...
You Must Order Before Midnight on,
BONUS NUMBER ONE: You'll receive a 40 page bonus excerpt from my $1300 "Marlon Sanders' Success System" coaching course that gives you advanced information on several different traffic generating systems I personally use and recommend. (Valued at $216.66 USD)
BONUS NUMBER ONE: You'll receive a 40 page bonus excerpt from my $1300 "Marlon Sanders' Success System" coaching course that gives you advanced information on several different traffic generating systems I personally use and recommend. (Valued at $216.66 USD)
BONUS NUMBER TWO: If you don't already own the "Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy!", then I'm giving you a $10 discount coupon towards that product.
(The coupon can be redeemed anytime in the next 365 days so even if you're not ready to cash in on the savings now, you can do so anytime in the next year!)
You're going to receive a bonus 12 page Milcers Private Site monthly newsletter.
The newsletter gives you in-depth information on finding a target market, using leverage to generate leads, converting suspects into prospects, creating your own lead generators -- and much, much more! |
- How To Target A Group Of People Who Want To Buy Your Product.
- How To Get People To Literally Raise Their Hands And Tell You What They Want To Buy.
- How To Use Leverage To Generate Leads.
- How To Make Your Customers Go "Wow".
- How To Keep Your Customers Delighted.
- Secrets Of Lead Generation Income Streams.
- How To Convert As Many Suspects As You Can Into “Prospects!”
- How To Concentrate Your Time And Energy On Prospects, Not Suspects.
- How To Generate Leads Using Teeny Tiny Ads In Your Paper
- What To Offer Your Leads And When.
- How To Aim Your Message To Reach Your Potential Prospects At The Lowest Cost.
- How To Cash In Even If You Don’T Have A Natural Market.
- The One Magic Question That Gives You Great Lead Generation Ideas Your Competitors Never Even Dreamed Of.
- How And Why To Watch Your Competitors.
- How To Deliver Your Freebie Offer To Your Prospects!
- Real World Examples Of Lead Generation Activities That Turn Suspects Into Prospects.
- Examples Of Different Reports You Can Offer For Lead Generation.
- How You Can Create Your Own Lead Generator.
As soon as your order is complete you'll be able to INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD this 12 page newsletter in the members download area.
BONUS NUMBER FOUR: Finally, anyone that buys the "Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy!" (using the $10 coupon), will be eligible to attend a bonus 5 day teleconference call series where you can participate and interact with other people about the Amazing Formula.
I'm only guaranteeing the $39.95 price and FOUR bonuses if you order by the deadline!
I want to make it clear that I'm only guaranteeing the $39.95 price, 40 page PDF transcript from my $1300 "Marlon Sanders' Success System", the 12 page newsletter in PDF format, the $10.00 discount coupon off the Amazing Formula and the bonus 5 day teleconference call series until the deadline on this page.
After that I reserve the right to remove the bonuses or raise the price and I already think the $39.95 price is far too low, so if you put off ordering the product then return later and find the price is substantially higher, I'm sorry. I won't be able to give you today's price unless you're ordering today so please don't come on our live chat asking once this offer expires.
Finally I'd like to say this:
I don't have all the answers to generating traffic. I'm not an expert in all forms of getting traffic and I'm certainly not a "traffic guru". I'm not guaranteeing you'll get 1 in 102 English speaking Internet users In the World visiting your web site, but what I will GUARANTEE is to show you everything I've done to get the traffic I've gotten.
Then I'll give you 10 steps you can follow to (potentially) get more traffic to your own web site.
Here's My No-Risk "Money Back" Guarantee:
The guarantee on this product is extremely SIMPLE.
Here's how it works:
Anytime during the next 8 weeks (from the date of your purchase), if you're not 100% thrilled and delighted just contact us (or Clickbank) and ask for a refund. (That's 60 full days.)
• If you don't like the product, you can get your money back anytime in the next 60 days. Plain and simple.
• If you change your mind later on for any reason, you can get your money back.
• If you don't like the color of the fonts we used in the product, you can get your money back.
• If you didn't like the fact I've got 2 full page ads in the product, you can get your money back.
• If you need your money back, you can have it.
It's as simple as that.
To order "How I Got 1 In Every 102 English Speaking Internet Users In The World To Visit My Web Sites" just click the blue button below.
You can order "How I Got 1 In Every 102 English Speaking Internet Users In The World To Visit My Web Sites" through Clickbank for a one time low payment of only $39.95 USD.
What you'll receive is INSTANT ACCESS to a digital download of the product.

If you have questions or need help to order just go to THIS URL for support:
If you were an active Milcer member as of September 30th then you do NOT need to order this product. A copy of it was given to all Milcers, so contact our customer support if you had an active Milcer membership as of Sept. 30th and we'll get a copy sent over to you.
That's it.
I'm out of here and hope to see your order soon and meet you on the bonus conference call.
Best Wishes,
Marlon Sanders

P.S. This product is delivered in a format that works on both PC's and Mac computers.